The Happy Pony Rides Again!

Upper Level Winchester Arts Centre

While children may be open-minded, open-hearted bundles of joy, their reaction to this show suggests that they lack any sort of critical faculty whatsoever. And while I have never parented nor spent any actual time around children, I find it hard to believe that this is usually the case. Perhaps the audience I was sitting in was an unusually mutton-headed lot. They certainly had no idea of how to behave like “An audience”. 

They giggled, squealed and roared with laughter as comedians Mitch and Joanne (also doing a ‘grown up’ show called ‘The Thing I got Vaguely into This Year’ (Culturated Rating 1/5)) pretended to be on a quest to find a birthday card which had got lost in the post. 

Obviously this shouldn’t be a quest for a show, and with the state of the Royal Mail is in, it’s unlikely that the card would ever be found.

The intended recipient of said card was the eponymous pony. Pitiful. Who writes a card to a Pony? Even the name is ridiculous. You ride a pony. A pony doesn’t ride itself FFS.

The Verdict

Children need to up their game - 1 star

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